Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How about some pics?

I'm a horrible person, rambling on about Cole and never even posted pics. Oh, and he's home. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Welcome Cole Robert!!!

I was admitted last Tuesday (Feb 5th) for pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and toxicity), we spent a few days in the hospital and they decided to do an amnio to check Cole's lung maturity and induce labour if he was ready. While doing the ultrasound for the amnio, they discovered he had stopped growing pretty much about 3 weeks before that, which was when my last ultrasound was. Because my blood pressure had been so high, it was restricting blood flow between Cole and the placenta and effectively starving him. It was then they decided they didn't care if his lungs were mature enough or not, and decided to induce and get him delivered.

They started inducing labour on Thursday, and it took awhile. My water finally broke and contractions started in earnest on Friday morning. Cole's heartrate started dropping dangerously low during contractions so they did a test where they take a sample of blood from his scalp to see what his oxygenation level was like, and if he was in serious danger. I was in an OR for a forceps delivery less than 10 minutes later since I had fully dilated, and they could get him out that way without the trauma of a c-section. Cole was born at 3:39pm on Friday, February 8th. He was 5lbs 13oz, 18.25" and 4 and a half weeks early. He is the most beautiful, best behaved, quietest baby. I never thought I could love anyone this much.

Mike had been in the hospital with me since Tuesday sleeping on a pull out recliner that went flat to a bed. Cole was checked out by a pediatrician at delivery and sent to room with us, assumed healthy. He spent 2 days in our room, and then had a blood test done to check his billirubin levels since he was getting jaundiced. Totally normal in newborns, especially preemies. When they did that bloodwork, they did a random glucose check. His glucose level was dangerously low. So we had to force a ton of formula into him to try and get his sugars up. It didn't work. The same pediatrician who checked him out following delivery decided to admit him to the NICU for glucose IV therapy to try and bring it back up.

Cole was transferred to the NICU at Royal Columbian (we were there already) on Sunday night. I have never had my heart break so completely before. I don't think I've ever cried so hard or much in my life either. He's doing somewhat ok now. His IV is gone, but because of the low blood sugar he has to eat a certain amount every 3 hours to keep his sugars up. Unfortunately preemie babies with low blood sugar and jaundice are lazy babies. And well, he is our kid too. LOL. But the laziness makes him unable to eat all his food at every feeding, so yesterday they had to put a tube in his nose to force feed him what he won't take in a bottle. He was born too early to breastfeed, so I pump a lot and he gets my milk that way. He should pick up on that in about 2 weeks they figure. Now, Mike and I spend a lot of time going back and forth to the hospital for feedings and cuddle time. Mike is an amazing dad and does all the bottle feedings while I pump. Cole won't take a bottle from me because he can smell that I've actually got the real thing, and why should he eat from a bottle when I'm right there. He has to eat exclusively from a bottle or breast for 48 hrs before he can come home.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some belly pics

I'm huge. I know that. I'm the size of someone having twins (seriously - my belly measured 41 weeks today, I'm 35). Anyways, here's a couple I haven't posted yet.

29 weeks

30 weeks - Christmas Day

33 weeks

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

OB Update

I saw the high risk OB today. He put me on blood pressure medication to try and bring my blood pressure down. His goal is try and get another 4 weeks out of the pregnancy, and get me to 38 weeks. If I make it to 38 weeks, then I'll be induced. He's a really nice guy and very reassuring and relaxed. Makes a huge difference when you're scared about your baby. So, now I see him every week as well. I really hope this helps.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Big updates

So, things have been progressing. I need to use insulin twice a day now to manage my sugar levels. That's not so bad I found out. I don't even feel the injections.

Christmas was good. Spent New Year's Day in the hospital thanks to really low pressure, tightening and back pain. Of course, everything was fine, but I was told to take it even easier. Found out the next week at my prenatal check, that that would be forced. I'm on full bedrest until I'm either induced or go into labour on my own. I had gone to the diabetes clinic earlier that day, found out I gained 11.5 lbs in 2 weeks, had protein in my pee, my blood pressure had jumped considerably, and that my belly was measuring 40 weeks at 32. The endocrinologist wrote a note for my doctor, I gave it to her and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. I also have some pretty bad swelling in my hands, feet, face, and legs. So, on top of that, my doctor thinks I have polyhydraminos (excess fluid) in my belly. I have an ultrasound Tuesday morning to check out my fluid level, and get an approximation on the boy's size in case he does need to be induced early. I also have an appointment next Wednesday with a high risk OB to discuss the possibility of early induction. Right now, it's assumed that every extra day and week is good, and I'm trying to make it to 36 weeks. The upside is he's happy in there. He's moving lots and his heartrate is always strong, which is good.

So, with the idea that he could be here very soon, everyone is trying to get things done with me directing from the couch. Mom is cleaning, cooking and doing laundry for us. Mike is trying to keep up with the rest, along with assembling furniture and gear, shopping, and organizing things in the baby's room, etc. Grandma and Mike's mom went shopping for the rest of the things we need for the baby. Mel and Winston have been over to help as well.

So, things are moving along. Quickly. I'll try and get Mike to take pics of the baby's room to post this week.